Dudley's Days

Chronicle of our new basset hound puppy Dudley.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

In the Kitchen

New Crate

Third crate upgrade in as many months, and he's outgrowing this one already! That is, if he sleeps sideways in it, which he does.

Doesn't Like the Camera Much

Dudley at Five Months

Someone is getting big! He's currently up to 31 lbs, but he was about 28 in these pictures.

Graduation Ceremy

Dudley got a certificate and a little orange stuffed teddy bear for completing his basic training course. He still likes the teddy bear, and it's gotten quite slobbered.

Puppy Graduation

These were some of Dudley's buddies from Kindergarten, including a french bulldog (forget his name!), Mr. Jiggles the pug, and Mavis a basenji.

Puppy Kindergarten

We took Dudley to a six week intro. to basic training course. There were about 8 other puupies in the class. Dudley did very well, and learned the basics of sitting, lying down, heeling, and coming. Everything worked fine as long as there was food involved! He got quite a bit distracted by the other puppies, but did very well all things considered (of course I'm extremely biased).